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S as in Saudi – over and out. April 25, 2009

Posted by Aella in Al Khobar, Bahrain, Bahrain Daily, Beirut, Blogroll, Culture, Don't - just don't, Dubai, Food, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Karlskrona, Lebanon, Life, Manama, Music, Pakistan, Palestine, Pictures, Qatar, Quotes, Saudi Arabia, Saudi culture, Sweden, Tool, UAE, War, Whack, Work.

Seef beach

So.  I have for quite some time been thinking about ending my blogging here at S as in Saudi. I have a lot to say but still nothing interesting to be honest. It has all been said. Been bitchin’, going on my rants, praising, celebrating, crying, whining and shit…
I have recently turned over a new leaf and I can see things quite a bit clearer and more focused when it comes to my life.  I must say that, the years that I have been blogging here has been some of the hardest yet most interesting years of my life. I finally feel I can focus even if I don’t know exactly where I am heading. At least I know where I am not looking to head.

It has been an interesting journey where I started blogging to record the changes in my life and attitude and ended up a truly different person in a situation in which I never thought I would be in.

So I guess this is the last post here. I will keep the blog online for now and I will come back and hopefully read old posts and comments with a smile. It has been great getting all these comments from people all over the place. Some of you which I got to know a little more and some who only came once for whatever reason. I want to thank you all for your presence.

I will eventually be blogging elsewhere but it will be about a topic that  I am passionate about. Who knows,  we might meet again.

love to all of you out there


I want to be made.. February 14, 2009

Posted by Aella in Bahrain, Life, Pictures.

Slurp dribble drool where's ma food?

Yesterday as I went to bed all stressed out (having  X-mans lawyer trying to intimidate me by phone with threats – no visa – no lawyer and no money aah life is great) I had a vision. I suddenly had a wish that I was a dog.  I have always thought people are ridiculous asking what kind of an animal I would be if I could be an animal…I mean, I love being around them but hell no I wouldn’t want to be one….

Now last night…. I felt it…yes….I would love to be a big fat Saint Bernard dog. Not a little, happy, yappie puppy, no, a fat, lazy, dribbling Saint Bernard with droopy, wet eyes.  Just sitting and staring at people with a drooling gob. No bravery and no actions. Sleeping most of the day. Having some dummy giving me left overs and taking me for walks. Slobbering all over little kids and furniture. Farting and chasing cats in my sleep when the family has guests. No visas to worry about, no exes, no money worries, no lawyers playing head games and no nothing keeping me up at night.

I never really liked Saint Bernards. My uncle had one when I was a kid and since I was really small it used to knock me over (with its butt). It had a funny smell and the fur wasn’t even that pleasant to stroke…still…this is the only dog that came to mind.

And no, I didn’t take my pills today either.

February Friday February 9, 2009

Posted by Aella in Bahrain, Bahrain Daily, Culture, Life, Manama, Pictures, Yummies.

Yaaa baby!

A new week has started and I feel that time is flying. I am currently teaching and the weeks are passing by way too fast.  On Friday I drove down to Seef beach. I needed to clear my mind and of course I ended up sobbing as I stood there on a rock gazing across the sea. Eating a banana and a bag of Maltezers. A sad sight to see.
It hit me that I’m in a puddle with borders. This sea has no connections with my sea and even if I had superman’s eye sight I wouldn’t be able to see anything even remotely resembling my country across the puddle.
How sad am I on a scale for even thinking that thought?

In any case. I took a walk and ended up next to an Asian (Korean I’m guessing) couple staring into a fishermans hmm well fish box we can call it. He had just arrived back from sea and was proudly showing off his catch. He held this little octopus (I think it is classified as an octopus but I could be wrong) and I asked if I could hold it. He handed it over and  I  grabbed it the way he gestured I should hold it. As expected it was slimey. It curled its tentacles around my arm and fingers and coloured my skin a little dark. Slimey…but hmm I’m sure it made a great meal for the fisherman and his family (he told me they would cook all the fish later).  I must say holding this poor creature made my day.

Light up the barbie!

Light up the barbie!

I love being out there. It’s so quiet yet you can hear sounds in the distance. No buildings in my way, no people, no nothing.


Quite the opposite of the place where I headed after that. I have since a long time ago gathered a bunch of clothes that I want to make copies out of so I decided to go to the souq for some fabrics and to see if I could find a tailor (don’t ask me why I chose the souq when I already have a tailor and when it’s such a crowded place). Said and done.

Manama souq
No people! I don’t want a singing camel, a pink plastic mosque or a pashmina! And no, I am not a tourist either. I really enjoy walking around the souq, well before it gets too crowded. Only thing is that I feel that I sometimes walk around in circles and end up in the same place again and again. Same guy trying to sell me huge underwear with printed kittens on again and again. Naaa, don’t want those either. In any case. I found some black fabric and I will pick up a dress and a yoga bag tomorrow ( the bag is soo my own design – hope it turns out luukin good).

Manama souq 1
Sorry dude, just had to take a pic.

What else can I say about the souq? Well it’s smelly in some places, dirty in others, I don’t like the idea of eating there and I have a major para about catching germs whilst walking about (TB!), still I go there cus the occasional visit does something for my well being just like my little beach in Seef.

Oh and I almost forgot to mention :)! My mum and her husband are coming here in the beginning of March. I am really looking forward to that. Any suggestions of must go places?

It is Sunday, I still have no visa and I am home sick. When will things look up?

Lights out December 31, 2008

Posted by Aella in Bahrain, Dubai, Israel, Palestine, Pictures.
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The following can be read at Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoums website:

sheikh mohammed UAE

“In his capacity as the Ruler of Dubai, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has ordered the cancellation of all public New Year’s celebrations in Dubai, due to be held on Wednesday night.

The cancellation comes in solidarity with the Palestinian people, who are currently enduring death, suffering and destruction in Gaza.

Sheikh Mohammed ordered relevant authorities to implement this decision and undertake the necessary steps to make the order known to all concerned parties.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hats off to you Sheikh Mohammed. It is nice to see this solidaric gesture in times like these when most of the world is merely watching as the blood is flowing on the streets of Gaza. I just heard that Bahrain is also following this example. I am quite impressed and very pleased I must say. More about that can be read here:



(the picture is from Sheikh Mohammeds website)

Bahrain Daily 44 December 5, 2008

Posted by Aella in Bahrain, Bahrain Daily, Pictures.
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bad bad car

Ikea in Dhahran – Saudi December 4, 2008

Posted by Aella in Al Khobar, Bahrain, Culture, Food, Manama, Pictures, Saudi Arabia, Saudi culture, Sweden.

ikea logo

So apparently according to a readers comments IKEA in Dhahran has opened. To think that it is only across the border filled with goodies of all kinds kind aaah ticks me off since as we all know Saudi is not a country you can just visit. Sooo another reader asked if there are any delivery services by IKEA to Bahrain. I emailad them and got this answer.

At the moment we can’t do deliveries to Bahrain, there is a lot of things in regard to customs. If you can arrange a driver to come & pick up the goods we can hopefully help you the assembly of the items.


Yousef Imad

Customer Service Manager

IKEA-Dhahran, Saudi Arabia”

So there you go folks. IKEA hasn’t figured out how to make money out of us here but I am sure someone with a Bahraini passport surely must come up with the idea to take orders from people here (for a certain charge) and cross the border and pick up the items, since apparently it is not a problem if you send a driver.

I want things 😦 …….now! I want ginger bread, crisp bread, chocolate, this AND that. Sigh…. is this hell? To know that IKEA is so close yet you can’t go there. This is the first time since I left Sweden that I am living kinda close to IKEA. Cyprus, no, Lebanon, no and Saudi well too far to Riyadh. Ah this sucks.

Man I wish I could live in an IKEA showroom. Would have made me happy.

On another note. Check out the IKEA hijab in the UK


I guess this won’t be needed in the islamic country of Saudi Arabia since from what I hear no women are allowed to work in the stores. I hope this is not true because that would be soooo un-Swedish (as I call it). If it is true… it’s time for you guys to let it happen because an IKEA store without women is like hot chocolate without cocoa, useless, so sort it out. And ehm… I’m serious.

Barack Obama rules! November 5, 2008

Posted by Aella in Al Khobar, Bahrain, Bahrain Daily, Beirut, Culture, Dubai, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Karlskrona, Lebanon, Life, Links, Manama, Pakistan, Pictures, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Saudi culture, Sweden, UAE, War.


Today is my birrrrthday and I have been given the best birthday present ever!
Barack Obama have been elected president of the United States Of America and aaah I feel like weeping!

I am so happy and I wish him and the people of “America” a great four years and hopefully more years to come. I hope that this will be something positive for not only the “Americans” but for the rest of the world. Hopefully the world will be a little more peaceful now and hopefully Obama will spend more time working on what needs to be addressed inside the United States and not only lining his pockets like a certains someone.

May God give him a long, healthy life (and may intelligence protect him)!

obama barack
Sing Halleluja!!

Now I will go and watch Obama’s speech and cry a little!

Bahrain Daily 42 November 2, 2008

Posted by Aella in Al Khobar, Bahrain, Bahrain Daily, Culture, Manama, Pictures, Saudi Arabia, Saudi culture.
1 comment so far
Saudi Love - Seef Mall October

Saudi Love - Seef Mall October

Bahrain Daily 41 October 24, 2008

Posted by Aella in Bahrain, Bahrain Daily, Manama, Pictures.

Hump(ty) Dump(ty) was pushed! I guess the case is soloved then!

Bahrain Daily 40 October 20, 2008

Posted by Aella in Bahrain, Bahrain Daily, Manama, Pictures.
Coco's Adliye

Coco's - Adliye