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Swedish female lost in the Gulf.



1. Rui Rocha - July 20, 2006

Hi there

I read your blog and I would want to have you in my blog (http://worldcommunity.wordpress.com), in which i write with a lot of people from all over the world (http://worldcommunity.wordpress.com/about). My name’s Rui and i’m from Portugal. I’m the host of the blog (http://worldcommunity.wordpress.com/about-world-community).

If you think you could be our member, please answer this e-mail.

Anyway, good blog you have!

Take care

2. Moey - August 2, 2006

do not go to saudia.. do not, you’ll regret it

3. Sous - August 2, 2006

Hehe why do you say that? And where do you reside Moey?

4. Moey - August 3, 2006

life in saudia is so complicated.
u know that ur not allowed to drive a car

5. Sous - August 3, 2006

I know Moey :). I wasn’t driving in Beirut either but sure it would be cool if I women were allowed to. Too many rules that we are not used to. Where do you live Moey? Is it Jordan (if I understood it right from your blog)?

6. Moey - August 4, 2006

currently in Jordan, was in beirut and kuwait before..

7. Farooha - August 6, 2006

Welcome to Saudi.. it’s not as complicated as people may tell you. You get used to it after a while and actually start to miss it! (hey, I never thought it was possible too)
Although, you will LOVE one thing aside from the extreme safety that comes as a result of the dullness; the prices. Everything is dirt cheap in Saudi. From gas to bread, you get so spoiled that you sometimes feel such a shock when you go elsewhere… even if you’ve lived elsewhere your whole life! (just ask me!)

Just be glad you aren’t moving to the central region, that’s where all the zealots congest :P… enjoy khobar darling. If you ever drop by Riyadh, holler!

8. Sous - August 7, 2006

Thank you Farooha,

Nice to get some good vibes for once :). Usually only get bad ones from people (except from people living or that had lived there actually).
I would be lying if I didnt admit that I’m looking forward to the shopping. Good to hear it’s soo cheap.
If I ever come to Riyadh I will give u a shout ;).
Take care and have a great day!

9. camilla - November 12, 2006

Det var verkligen jättekul att läsa din blogg !!
Du skriver väldigt underhållande och samtidigt intressant 🙂

kram camilla i turkiet ( fru turkiet på sadiqa )

10. Sous - November 13, 2006

Tack Camilla 🙂 jättegulligt av dig. Kul att du hittat hit.


11. Dr.Muhammad - January 8, 2007

nice blog, I know that KSA isnt the best place in the world for a woman, but i really hope you enjoy your time here, actually i know some swedish guys here in riyadh that are begining to like it here

take care

12. Sous - January 8, 2007

Thank you 🙂 . Yes, certain things are without a doubt a challenge in KSA but I guess my stay here will be as fun as I make it 😛 .

13. Petra - January 10, 2007

Hejsan! hoppas jag funnit nån som befinner sig i Saudi, och som jag kan ställa 100 frågor till…. sitter just nu i England och min man överväger ett jobb i Saudi. jag får ingen positiv bild av Saudi när jag läser om det på nätet, och vill därför komma i kontakt med nån som bor där och kan berätta hur det faktiskt är där.

om du har lust, kan du kontakta mig på min e-mail address?

kram P

14. Sous - January 10, 2007

Hej Petra,

Kul att du hittat hit.
Jo, jag befinner mig i Saudi sedan september. Och visst kan du ställa frågor. Kanske inte kan besvara allt men ska försöka. Du kan maila frågor om du vill till sasinsaudi@gmail.com


15. Debbie - February 7, 2007

Wow – Very cool. First blog I’ve read. Thinking of applying for job at Saudi-Aramco. Would be living/teaching in U.S. coumpound.. Started doing some reasearch on the web and found your blog. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. You are so brave. How long will you be there? Would lke to find out more about climate, culture, things to do, etc.

16. Sous - February 14, 2007

Hi Debbie,

Thank you so much 🙂 . Sweet of you.
I am not sure how long we will be here, it could be 2, 4 or even 10 years. Time will tell I guess.
I will continue writing and hopefully you will find some of the information useful in your research 🙂 .
As for the climate by the way. The winter is great here, best winter in my life climate wise. The summer is toooo hot from what I hear.

All the best

17. sara - February 15, 2007

Jag måste bara säga att jag verkligen uppskattar din blogg och är glad för dig och din familj som vågar testa er fram till vad som passar er. Önskar att vi gör samma sak i framtiden men min man är så hemmakär så det är nog inte aktuellt med men man vet aldrig 🙂

18. Sous - February 18, 2007

Hej Sara,

Jättegulligt av dig 🙂 . Kul att du tycker om bloggen.
Det är jättesvårt för en del att lämna Sverige men som du säger
man vet aldrig. Sverige finns ju alltid kvar om man bestämmer sig för att flytta.


19. Ibs - February 20, 2007

You might wanna update to 5.

20. Sous - February 24, 2007

Done 🙂 .Cheers Ibs.

21. Izrin - May 20, 2007

Hi there. I am applying for physiotherapist position in any hospital in Saudi. I’m already married with 2 sons. I would appreciate if anyone of you could help to provide me info on the following :

a) What is the salary range ?
b) Can I bring my husband & 2 sons ?
c) Is the accomodation provided for married staffs with kids ?
d) Is there any family insurance scheme provided ?
e) How long is the contract ?
f) Is there any clause in the contract that can protect me from any unlawful contract termination ?
g) Is there any food allowance ?


22. Manas - June 7, 2007

Hey there…greetings from South London. I live and work for a Swedish company in London (coincidence!) and I grew up in Khobar (coincidence again!). Plus I love Lebanese food (what?! Another coincidence?!).

Love your blog – it’s in my favorites list! Keep it up.


23. Sous - June 11, 2007

Hi there Manas,

Good to have to have you here 🙂
Let me give you more coincidences, I have lived in England (both in North London and in the outskirts of London) and since i saw that you’re Indian I loove Indian food 😀 . The world is shrinking these days 🙂

24. JOe - August 21, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I really like this blog it seems really nice and realistic. I’m a Saudi guy lives in the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia but i lived most of my life in so many places, US, Canada and Egypt as well.

Saudi is not that bad place after all (“,) I like what have been said by 7. Farooha – August 6, 2006,

SAFETY is an issue now at so many places where in Saudi we dont feel such a threat (“,) welcome to my country


25. Waleed - October 6, 2007

Is there IKEA in S.A?? 😉
I like this blog, very interesting.
Thank you for sharing these information with us.

26. Carlos - October 18, 2007
27. Antonia - December 14, 2007


Mitt namn är Antonia Johansson och jag jobbar som redaktör på resebyrån Travelstart. Anledningen till att jag kontaktar dig är att vi söker svenskar som är bosatta utomlands och som kan fungera lite som “korrespondenter” åt oss. Jag har läst din blogg och tycker att du verkar leva ett roligt och intressant liv i Bahrain som du kan dela med dig av på ett skickligt sätt. Det hade varit jättekul om ville delge dig av dina tips och tankar även på vår blogg. Se http://blogg.travelstart.se/.

Vi har även sajten Backpacking.se där jag just nu söker efter en duktig skribenter runt om i världen som vill skriva artiklar och/eller guider om städer och länder de befinner sig i. Detta tror jag också hade passat dig.

Hör jättegärna av dig om du är intresserad.

Trevlig helg,

MVH Antonia

28. Annie - February 26, 2008

Jag gör intervjuer om folk om olika saker och tänkte fråga dig om jag fick intervjua dig om ditt liv i Saudarabien (eller vart du nu bodde?)
Vore roligt om du var intresserad. Vi kan ta de över mail eller över MSN 🙂
Min blogg = aaaannie.blogg.se där jag skrvier intervuerna

29. Shellee - March 18, 2008

Hi Sous,

In looking at your comments section, I can see that there are others who would be interested in you joining their web community. I am writing to you for the same reason. My site is women networking to change the world. If you are interested, the url is below.

30. sylvi Butt - March 19, 2008

hai salam
i am married women age 27 and have one lovely daughter age 3 years . we this time settel in lahore Pakistan . we need any informartion around about Bahrain from living cost,security,job opportunity , apartement price,house price etc .coz we have interesting to move and try our life in Bahrain . i am indonesian and my hubby is Pakistani . we so welcome for the information and we need quide which that help us to know closer about bahrain .

31. Sous - March 21, 2008

Wa aleikum salam Sylvi,

Good to hear you are coming to Bahrain.
Please email me at sasinsaudi@gmail.com with any question you might have.

All the best

32. Silvana - March 22, 2008

Hej Sous!

Detta är första gången jag läser en blogg, iaf självmant. Annars gillar jag inte bloggar så mkt vilket kanske beror på att jag inte riktigt är insatt i “bloggvärlden” o känner inte till hur det funkar o andra aspekter. Men nu när jag läser din blogg så känns det som om du har motbesvisat mig. Dina bloggar är ju riktigt intressanta o givande. De flesta bloggar brukar handla om mode, skönhet o hur man ska skaffa cash på nolltid! Jag är jätte imponerad av dig och dina erfarenheter. Du har bott i mitt hemland (Libanon) och känner säkerligen till Mellanöstern o kulturen bättre än vad jag gör. Jag är så nyfiken på dina åsikter om kulturella o sociala skillnader mellan Sverige o Mellanöstern eller snarare Skandinavien o Mellanöstern.

Hursomhelst, jag ska spara din blogg på mina favoriter o följa det du skriver. Keep up the good work Sous!
Best of luck/Silvana

33. Sous - March 25, 2008

Hej Silvana,

Maste saga att jag blev rord och glad av din kommentar :). Jattekul att du tycker om min blogg! Tack sa valdigt mycket. Ar du intresserad av mina asikter om mellanostern och skandinavien som du skrev sa kan vi maila lite om du vill. Feel free any time to mail me at sasinsaudi@gmail.com

All the best

34. Silvana - April 14, 2008

Will do 🙂 Ska in på min mail o skriva direkt faktist!

Vi hörs/Silvana

35. whatsupbahrain - April 29, 2008

Woohoo you;ve got a lebanese flag up there 😀 YAY

36. Hajar Alwi - September 9, 2008

Was looking for some light reading and stumbled upon your blog. Love the entries especially on the firsthand insight of life there. Didn’t experience much of KSA when I was there. Plus, this beats reading @ watching the news.

37. J.Villanueva - September 16, 2008

I’m a Filipino expat in Saudi Arabia for almost 9 years now. I’m working as a Visual Merchandiser and what i have observed with most of the people here is that they treat white people with respect (like fear-respect and “Awe”- i wish i could be like them, respect) as opposed to people of color like me (Asian Expat). So maybe you and i have a very diffrent views of the middle east, although i agree with most of your posts. Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m trying to improve my writting skill.

God bless,

38. Sous - September 16, 2008

Whatsupbahrain, yup its Lebanese alright 😛 ! Ah I miss the place.

Hajar Alwi, welcome to my lil corner of world. Glad to have u here.

J,Villanueva, I totally agree with you and it cracks me up. It’s funny to see companies here in Bahrain hiring incompetent people only cus they have for ex a British passport. Some European people here get respect that they would never get back home and people look up to them in a laughable way. Anyway, that’s how it is here I guess… Odd in my opinion. I like your blog so I have linked you.

39. J.Villanueva - September 16, 2008

Thank you very much, you’re so kind. I wish someday i could meet you personally and talk more about our experiences in the middle east.

thanks again,

40. Ahmed - September 21, 2008

i want to learn swedish but can not fined teacher in saudi or any languge center in jeddah if you know some one pls contact me

41. Sanna Karlsson - October 4, 2008

Hej, kom över din blogg när jag skulle söka efter flygbiljetter från Beirut till Stockholm i höst… Och det är alltid roligt att hitta en ny välskriven blogg.. Hur kommer det sig att du hamnade i Saudiarabien, Bahrain och Libanon? Intressant. Talar du arabiska? Jag försöker… Hoppas allt är bra med livet… Svenska hälsningar från vackra Beirut…


42. Henrik H. - October 19, 2008

Men självklart så ska det ju bloggas också… Väldigt kul att se vad du har för dig. Hoppas allt fortsätter flyta på. Granello hälsar också.

43. Sous - October 19, 2008

Ahmed, Im sorry but I dont know anyone that can teach you in Saudi. Isnt there a Berlitz office where you live?

Sanna, Kul att du hittade hit men nu blev jag himla avis på dig som är i Libanon! En före detta kärlek tog mig på tour genom mellanöstern 😛 . Jag talar inte arabiska men förstår en del (ok jag kan tala en del men inte mycket). Hoppas du hade det bra i Libanon. Vad gjorde du där?

Henrik H, neeej meeeen vad kul att du är här. Och självklart så ska det bloggas, hur ska man annars komma ihåg saker? Hälsa Daniel, saknar er 🙂 .

44. Jenny D. - November 12, 2008

Are you accepting advertising on your site sasinsaudi.com?

Thank You,

Jenny D.
Marketing Manager

45. Zainal - January 30, 2009

thats cool…
i used to live in sweden when i was a lil kid, Mom and Dad used to study and work there .

i remember few places in sweden like “kokoms” cant remember how its spelled, but its an amazing country …

what brought here ?

46. Sous - January 30, 2009

Cool, so I am guessing you lived in Malmö since Kockums is the hmm well harbour there or ship yard or what they call it.

I came here by foot from Saudi with my ex :P. I do have a wish to go back to my country due to the circumstances and hardship in my life but it cannot be done I have been told..What to do ey?

47. Zainal - January 30, 2009

Malmo it is, i been around lund too
seems to be complicated :S ” u cant go back ? “

48. Rachel - March 23, 2009

Hi there,

is it possible to private message you? It would be great to chat.

49. BM San Miguel - May 12, 2009


I visited your blog and I was wondering if I can recommend it. Since many of our audience are middle/upper class, I am sure they would love to visit a blog like yours. Let me know if this is ok. Thanks for your time and take care.


50. Andrea Martins - July 13, 2009

Hi Sous,

Just dropping in to invite you to list on our Expat Women Blog Directory, if you’d like to: http://www.expatwomen.com/expatblog/.

Thanks and best wishes for your expat life in Bahrain!

Andrea Martins
Director, http://www.expatwomen.com

51. Sam - December 13, 2010

Hey, nice site you got there.

Anyway, I help run a free blog directory for bloggers to share their content with the rest of the world. This is your chance to get many new readers and interact with other bloggers who share the same interests with you. Visit http://blogoola.com and see for yourself. 🙂

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